October 15, 2013


"Stop thinking of abusive men as having no self-control and start thinking of them as intelligent, strategic thinkers who strive for control over their partners. These men know what they are doing."

Controllers, abusers and manipulative people don’t question themselves. They don’t ask themselves if the problem is them. They always say the problem is someone else.

"[Emotional abuse] can leave the woman wondering if the pain is worth the good times, and even wondering if this is as good as it gets? What if there isn’t anything better? When he distorts the past and blames you for the relationship problems, you may even feel like you are going crazy, and he will certainly do everything he can to imply that you ARE. The truth is, there IS something better. You don’t have to put up with a relationship where you are treated poorly, with disrespect, or emotional cruelty, no matter how infrequent those acts are. And of course, when you do get upset, the abuser will infer that you are overreacting, or “too sensitive”."

"Emotional abusers deny that they have any problems and/or project their problems onto their partner, often accusing their partners of abuse - especially AFTER the partner has woken up and called the abuser on his behavior."

Parker, I wish you were dead. You creep on girls 18 and under. I worked with one of them. You took advantage of my character and took more from me than you could ever understand.

You carry no guilt over any of it. You are POISON. And for your sake, you better hope you never see me in person again.

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