March 14, 2011

I know 3D...fu. o__o

It's true. Almost. The first is my midterm project, where we had to design rooms. Some of my other classmates designed whole houses, going "above and beyond" the call of duty. I guess. lol, they also figured that one of our hip professors (because he really is hip) would live somewhere like this. I totally agree. So I think I'll name it "Haycraft House". I like the name already. XD

Mine is kinda abstract (because I refuse to say "disproportionate"), but it's still modern. Can you tell that I'm an art student? Bullshitting is second nature to me. :)

The second is my lazy cop-out of a final project. That's right, final. It's a punk rubber duck. But you know what? I learned something. I learned how to texture the body. I didn't know how to do that before. I DESERVE AN A PLUS PLUS.

Isn't it awesome? You wish you even KNEW how to make this shit. YEAH. D:

Update: I got an 86 in the class! YEEEEAH. D:

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